In this work UV and white light (WL) coronagraphic data are combined to derive the full set of plasma physical parameters along the front of a shock driven by a Coronal Mass Ejection. Pre-shock plasma density, shock compression ratio, speed and inclination angle are estimated from WL data, while pre-shock plasma temperature and outflow velocity are derived from UV data. The Rankine-Hugoniot (RH) equations for the general case of an oblique shock are then applied at three points along the front located between 2.2 − 2.6 R ⊙ at the shock nose and at the two flanks. Stronger field deflection (by ∼ 46 • ), plasma compression (factor ∼ 2.7) and heating (factor ∼ 12) occur at the nose, while heating at the flanks is more moderate (factor 1.5 − 3.0). Starting from a pre-shock corona where protons and electrons have about the same temperature (T p ∼ T e ∼ 1.5 · 10 6 K), temperature increases derived with RH equations could better represent the protons heating (by dissipation across the shock), while the temperature increase implied by adiabatic compression (factor ∼ 2 at the nose, ∼ 1.2 − 1.5 at the flanks) could be more representative of electrons heating: the transit of the shock causes a decoupling between electron and proton temperatures. Derived magnetic field vector rotations imply a draping of field lines around the expanding flux rope. The shock turns out to be super-critical (sub-critical) at the nose (at the flanks), where derived post-shock plasma parameters can be very well approximated with those derived by assuming a parallel (perpendicular) shock.