Abstract. We establish the following result.Theorem. Let α : G → L(X) be a σ(X, X * ) integrable bounded group representation whose Arveson spectrum Sp(α) is scattered. Then the subspace generated by all eigenvectors of the dual representation α * is w * dense in X * . Moreover, the σ(X, X * ) closed subalgebra Wα generated by the operators αt (t ∈ G) is semisimple.If, in addition, X does not contain any copy of c 0 , then the subspace spanned by all eigenvectors of α is σ(X, X * ) dense in X. Hence, the representation α is almost periodic whenever it is strongly continuous.
Spectral theory for integrable bounded group representationsThroughout this paper G will denote a locally compact abelian (LCA) group with identity e and G will denote the dual group of G. The multiplication on LCA groups will be written by addition. Let L 1 (G) (resp. M(G)) be the usual group algebra (resp. measure algebra) with convolution as product operation. We refer to [11] or [21] for basic knowledge of Harmonic Analysis on LCA groups.Given a complex Banach space X, let L(X) be the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on X. Take a LCA group G. A bounded group representation α of G on X is a mapping α : G → L(X) satisfying the following properties:(a) Group property: α e = I X the identity operator on X and α s+t = α s α t for all s, t ∈ G; (b) Boundedness: α := sup t∈G α t < ∞. Moreover, α is called strongly (resp. weakly) continuous if for each x ∈ X the mapping t → α t x is norm (resp. weakly) continuous. We need a further notion. Definition 1.1. A bounded group representation α : G → L(X) of G on X is called integrable if there exists a subspace X * ⊂ X * satisfying the following