33We quantified springtime ecosystem-scale monoterpene fluxes from two similar Aleppo pine 34 (Pinus halepensis Mill.) forests, located in Israel, that differed in the amount of received 35 precipitation: Yatir in the arid south and Birya in the northern part of Israel (291 and 755 mm 36 annual average rainfall, respectively). In addition to the lower water availability, during our 37 measurement campaign the Yatir site suffered from a heat wave with temperatures up to 35 ºC, 38 which made the campaign-average net CO2 assimilation to occur in the morning (1 µmol m -2 s -1 ), 39 with the rest of the daytime hours mainly dominated by net release of CO2. The milder 40 conditions at Birya favored a higher net CO2 assimilation during all daytime hours (with average 41 peaks higher than 10 µmol m -2 s -1 ). Despite these large differences in ambient conditions and 42 CO2 net assimilation, daytime monoterpene emission capacities at both sites were comparable. 43While observed monoterpene fluxes were lower at Yatir than at Birya (hourly averages up to 0.4 44 and 1 mg m -2 h -1 , respectively), the standardized hourly fluxes, after accounting for the 45 differences in light, temperature and stand density between both sites, were comparable (0-1.3 46 mg m -2 h -1 ). The approach typically used by biogenic emission models overestimated 47 the increasing impact of drought (Dai, 2012) and other global-change-related stresses on BVOC 67 emissions (Seco et al., 2015). 68