Summary:The temporal courses of dipeptidyl peptidase IV γ-glutamyltransferase and alanine aminopeptidase were followed over 70 days in the morning urine of 15 healthy persons. Subsequent to basic statistical analysis a two-step procedure was performed, including spectral analysis and the fit of a cosine function by non-linear regression. The excretion of the 3 enzymes followed an infradian biorhythm with a mean period length of 10.04 for dipeptidyl peptidase IV, 13.34 for γ-glutamyltransferase and 10.17 for alanine aminopeptidase. In addition to the basic rhythmic process described by the fitted cosine functions, in most of the enzyme patterns steap peaks of very high excretory activity appeared which was verified in repeated measurements.These infradian biorhythms with changes in the range of 100% and more, as well as their interindividual variations, have to be considered in assessing the excretion of enzymes.70 days in 15 volunteers of both sexes, 26 to 55 years Urine enzymes are now widely accepted as sensitive old. The detection of relevant periodicities in the indicators for the early detection of renal alterations individual patterns of all volunteers was ensured by (see I.e. (1, 2) for references). Since Gr tsch et al. (3) applying spectral analysis and non-linear regression. reported, for the rat, the existence of biological rhythms in the excretion of y^glutajuyltransferase, Nacetyl^jD-glucosaminidase and alanine aminopepti-Materials and Methods dase with dominant periods in the infradian range of The urinary enzyme excretion was determined once daily on 70 7 and 9 days, respectively, it has been obvious, that consecutive days in 15 healthy adults (8 women, 7 men, mean ι.j ^ 11 j 't_ j · ·,· i t />· /rx age 39.4, range 26-55 years). Urines were collected between 5 beyond the well described circadian rhythms (4, 5) and 9 a m and imme di at eiy centrifuged (15 min, 1800*).enzymuria can also be subjected to infradian rhythmic Subsequent to centrifugation the samples were filtered on Sechanges. phadex G 50 (medium) with 154 mmol/1 NaCl solution (6). The fraction with a relative molecular mass M r > 10 000 was stored Therefore, our study was designed to clarify whether at ~2 0 °c after addin ? sodium ^^ solution ( 15 mmol/1).or not such infradian changes are also present in man. γ-Glutamyltransferase activity was pursued at 37 °C for 5 min, The urinary excretion of γ-glutamyltransferase (EC usin a continuous method. The reaction mixture contained 4.0 ο ο >· > o\ ι · · s* /c^ ο A \4 o\ j mmol/1 glutamyl-4-nitroanilide and 101 mmol/1 glycylglycine, alanine aminopeptidase (EC and bufTer ' p § 820 fa OQ. Spectrophotometric reading were taken dipeptidylpeptidase IV (EC was followed for at 405 nm.