While mutations leading to a fragile envelope of the cell nucleus are well known to cause diseases such as muscular dystrophies or accelerated aging, the pathophysiological consequences of the recently discovered mechanically induced nuclear envelope ruptures in cells harboring no mutation are less known. Here we show that repeated loss of nuclear envelope integrity in nuclei experiencing mechanical constraints promotes senescence in nontransformed cells, and induces an invasive phenotype including increased collagen degradation in human breast cancer cells, both in vitro and in a mouse xenograft model of breast cancer progression. We show that these phenotypic changes are due to the presence of chronic DNA damage and activation of the ATM kinase. In addition, we found that depletion of the cytoplasmic exonuclease TREX1 is sufficient to abolish the DNA damage in mechanically challenged nuclei and to suppress the phenotypes associated with the loss of nuclear envelope integrity. Our results also show that TREX1-dependent DNA damage induced by physical confinement of tumor cells inside the mammary duct drives the progression of in situ breast carcinoma to the invasive stage. We propose that DNA damage in mechanically challenged nuclei could affect the pathophysiology of crowded tissues by modulating proliferation and extracellular matrix degradation of normal and transformed cells.
Main text:( 16,21-23 ), and corresponds to cells squeezing each other as they move. These deformed nuclei were also more often positive for γH2AX than less deformed ones, and in general displayed more intense γH2AX staining than nuclei in the bulk of the tumor ( Fig. 1A-C). This suggests that, at the in situ stage of human breast carcinoma, strands of motile cells at the periphery of the tumor exhibit pronounced nuclear deformation, associated with elevated DNA damage.We then investigated a xenograft mouse model based on the intraductal (intra-nipple) injection of transformed human breast MCF10DCIS.com (DCIS) cells, which are derived from the nontransformed MCF10A cell line, and that recapitulates the transition from in situ to invasive stages of breast cancer progression ( 17,24 ). Tumors at various stages were analyzed. In situ tumors (further divided in early and advanced stages based on the continuity of the myoepithelial layer) are characterized by a myoepithelial layer (stained with smooth muscle actin) surrounding human xenograft cells that were identified by the human-specific KU70 antibody. In order to verify whether human tumor cells similarly experience DNA damage in the tumor xenografts, tumor sections were stained with γH2AX ( Fig. 1E-F, Fig. S1A). Similar to human tumor specimens, xenograft tumors displayed numerous deformed nuclei, mostly found at the periphery of the tumor mass, close to the myoepithelium, especially in ducts inflated with large tumors (Fig. 1E-F), and enriched in regions showing micro-invasive foci. Strikingly, these regions were also enriched in γH2AX-positive nuclei (Fig. 1F). Since γH2AX is also known...