PR, Lalive AL, Kreitzer AC. Pathway-specific remodeling of thalamostriatal synapses in parkinsonian mice. Neuron 2016;89:734-740. Roseberry TK, Lee AM, Lalive AL, Wilbrecht L, Bonci A, Kreitzer AC. Cell-type-specific control of brainstem locomotor circuits by basal ganglia. Cell 2016;164:526-537.In Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, levels of dopamine in basal ganglia (BG) are lowered, leading to the imbalance in neuronal activity between the direct and indirect pathways, which, in turn, hinder proper movement and walking. However, neither the pathophysiological mechanisms nor the role of the basal ganglia and connecting structures involved in gait and locomotion in PD are well understood. Two new studies from the group of Prof. Kreitzer provide some new insight into these eluding issues.The first study, published in Neuron by Parker and colleagues, 1 carefully examined the changes of the strength of synaptic inputs in a PD mouse model. They performed whole-cell recordings in both direct and indirect medium spiny neurons (MSNs) neurons while optically stimulating sensorimotor cortex or thalamus. They discovered that dopamine loss results in a miscommunication between the thalamus and the BG, producing reduced activation of the direct pathway and slowness and disruption of movements. This was restored by blocking the thalamostriatal terminals using chemo and optogenetic tools. These findings underscore the role of thalamus in PD motor features. However, it should be noted that their results might be difficult to reconcile with data from previous studies where they described cell loss in the thalamus of PD animals 2 or lack of motor benefit after chemical ablation of thalamic projections in parkinsonian monkeys. 3 The second study, published in Cell by Roseberry and colleagues, 4 combined techniques, such as optogenetics, single-cell recording, and virus-based mapping, in mice in order to examine the mechanisms underlying the control of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) by the BG pathways. Interestingly, their results revealed that the direct pathway selectively activated one type of these MLR neurons, the glutamatergic ones, in the brainstem and that these are the ones triggering locomotion, and the indirect pathway inhibits them, stopping movement. Outstandingly, they found that the power of the brainstem neurons could trump BG signals given that they were able to optogenetically control the initiation of movement in the animal regardless of the signal coming from the direct or indirect pathways. Nonetheless, because of the technical complexity of the experiments and the multiple parallel pathways from BG nuclei to the MLR region, 5 cautious relevance should be given to these findings.Together, both articles may give rise to further studies on non-BG regions, perhaps leading to newer therapeutic developments for this major challenge and unmet need in clinical practice.
References1. Parker PR, Lalive AL, Kreitzer AC. Pathway-specific remodeling of thalamostriatal synapses in parkinsonian mice. Neuron. 2016;...