Non-profit organizations carry out activities that the state either does not want to perform or does not take responsibilities for them due to financial reasons, and the private sector is not interested in them. Specific features of such kind organizations is the fact that their performance is mostly depended on the work of a man – a volunteer, so a human capital is their integral part. Volunteering is a multidimensional phenomenon. It is an important part of the society and its future development. The context of volunteering has changed in last years, because social trends as globalization, technological development, changes in demography, emergence of postmodern values, and changes in families and work change people´s attitudes toward volunteering. In order a volunteer could realize his own personality and belief in volunteering activities and simultaneously participate in meeting goals of an organization, it is essential that all elements of management (organizing, managing, control, evaluating) are carried out effectively and have a meaning. To achieve this point, it is needed to know reasons, why people do volunteering that does not have only motivational sense, but also strategic one. Identifying motifs is therefore broader than just meeting needs and their knowledge is an essential factor for the effective functioning of non-profit organizations regardless of fields of their operation.