The aim of this study was to identify multicomponent complexes involved in kinetoplastid mitochondrial mRNA editing. Mitochondrial extracts from Trypanosoma brucei were fractionated on 10–30% glycerol gradients and assayed for RNAs and activities potentially involved in editing, including pre‐edited mRNA, guide RNA (gRNA), endonuclease, terminal uridylyltransferase (TUTase), RNA ligase and gRNA‐mRNA chimera‐forming activities. These experiments suggest that two distinct editing complexes exist. Complex I (19S) consists of gRNA, TUTase, RNA ligase and chimera‐forming activity. Complex II (35–40S) is composed of gRNA, preedited mRNA, RNA ligase and chimera‐forming activity. These studies provide the first evidence that editing occurs in a multicomponent complex. The possible roles of complex I, complex II and RNA ligase in editing are discussed.