-(Pollen morphology of species from tribes Ipomoeeae Hallier f. and Merremieae D.F. Austin, Convolvulaceae, occurring in an ecotonal region of the municipality of Caetité, Bahia State, Brazil). This pollen morphology study of species of the tribes Ipomoeeae and Merremieae (Convolvulaceae) aims to contribute to the knowledge of palynology of the taxa studied and to the taxonomy of the group. Ten species of Ipomoea, one of Turbina (Ipomoeeae tribe), and four species of Merremia (Merremieae tribe) occurring in the flora of the Brejinho das Ametistas, Caetité, Bahia State, Brazil were examined. The pollen grains were acetolysed, measured, described, and illustrated under light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy. By analyzing the pollen morphology of the taxa studied, it was possible to confirm the euripollinic character of the group and to recognize two pollen types based upon the apertural type and the exine ornamentation: 1) pantoporate, echinate pollen grain; 2) 3-6-colpate, microechinate, granulate pollen grain.