Active sensing using light, or active photolocation, is only known from deep sea and nocturnal fish with chemiluminescent "search" lights. Bright irides in diurnal fish species have recently been proposed as a potential analogue. Here, we contribute to this discussion by testing whether iris radiance is actively modulated. The focus is on behaviourally controlled iris reflections, called "ocular sparks". The triplefin Tripterygion delaisi can alternate between red and blue ocular sparks, allowing us to test the prediction that spark frequency and hue depend on background hue and prey presence. In a first experiment, we found that blue ocular sparks were significantly more often "on" against red backgrounds, and red ocular sparks against blue backgrounds, particularly when copepods were present. A second experiment tested whether hungry fish showed more ocular sparks, which was not the case.Again, background hue resulted in differential use of ocular spark types. We conclude that iris radiance through ocular sparks in T. delaisi is not a side effect of eye movement, but adaptively modulated in response to the context under which prey are detected. We discuss the possible alternative functions of ocular sparks, including an as yet speculative role in active photolocation.not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.The copyright holder for this preprint (which was . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 20, 2017; 3
IntroductionSome animals enhance their sensory systems by actively sending out signals and perceiving the induced reflections of nearby objects. Well-studied examples of active sensing are echolocation with ultrasound in bats and dolphins, and electrolocation using electric fields in some fishes [1]. "Active photolocation", where light is used for probing the environment, seems surprisingly rare [1]. Chemiluminescent deep-sea dragonfishes (Fam. Stomiidae), lanternfishes (Fam. Myctophidae) and flashlight fishes (Fam. Anomalopidae) are currently the only vertebrates assumed to use active photolocation [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. They possess a chemiluminescent subocular light organ whose emission facilitates visual detection of prey [9]. The anatomical location of the light organ next to the pupil is optimal to induce reflective eyeshine (bright pupils or "cat's eyes" effect) in nearby organisms [2]. Reflective eyeshine is a side-effect of the presence of a reflective layer at the back of the eye [10] (ESM 1), which improves vision under dim light [11,12] or plays a role in camouflage [13]. With such a reflective layer present, focusing eyes in particular backscatter or reflect the incoming light directly back to the source [14]. This can explain why light organs are so close to the pupil in species known to exhibit active photolocation [15].Interestingly, many diurnal fishes from the euphotic zone show a similar anatomical configuration with conspicuously bright eyes (figure 1, ESM 2). Rather than involving chemi...