Sotol (Dasylirion leiophyllum) is a shrubby species that grows in the Chihuahuan Desert. Sotol plants are commonly used to produce an alcoholic beverage, also known as “sotol”. A study was carried out to assess the composition and structure of shrubby communities where sotol inhabits in northern Mexico. The importance value index (IVI), diversity indexes, and structural attributes of the sotol community were estimated. Furthermore, a principal component and a cluster analysis were conducted in order to identify possible associations of species along the sotol distribution area. A total of 10,273 plants belonging to 17 families and 46 species were recorded, where the Agave lechuguilla and Tiquilia greggi were the most abundant species. Higher abundances of sotol and higher diversity indexes were observed in hillside areas and eastern aspects. The multivariate analyses revealed five shrubby groups in the distribution area of sotol, which grows in valleys, hillsides, and also on the top of mountains. The main communities found where sotol grows are rosetophyllous, microphyllous, and mesquite communities, and also, in higher altitudes, sotol is associated with oak species. This information is not only useful for a better species knowledge, but also for the protection of shrubby communities where Dasylirion leiophyllum inhabits.