Water is one of the best gifts to all living creature, given by nature. It is compulsory for the growth and maintenance of human body and also for many biological activities. It plays a vital role for the survival of all forms of life of earth and works as a universal solvent. Pollution is caused when a change in the physical, chemical or biological condition in the environment harmfully affect quality of human life including other animal's life and plant The quality of water is typically determined by monitoring microbial presence, especially total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci. The total coliform count varied in the range of 836-1987.43 MPN/100 ml, 743-981 MPN/100ml, 1115.4 to 2010 MPN/100 ml; fecal coliform varied in the range of 763-1947.61 MPN/100 ml, 547-979 MPN/100 ml and 1057 to 1378 MPN/100 ml and fecal streptococci varied in the range of 881-1969.53 and 832.63-1098.86 MPN/100 ml, 1155 to 1512 MPN/100 ml during winter, summer and rainy season, respectively.