Th is study aimed to obtain new information about the distribution, morphology and content of secretory trichomes present in the vegetative and reproductive organs of four species of Moraceae: Artocarpus heterophyllus, Dorstenia cayapia, Maclura tinctoria and Sorocea bonplandii. Stem, leaf, fl ower and infl orescence samples were processed for scanning electron and light microscopy. Th e species have secretory trichomes on the leaf blade, petiole and stem and also on the infl orescence and fl owers of D. cayapia and S. bonplandii and on the peduncle of the infl orescence in A. heterophyllus. Th ese trichomes are of the capitate type in all species, but A. heterophyllus also possess peltate secretory trichomes. Both trichome types exhibit a multicellular head and a unicellular peduncle. Peduncle size and head cell number varies according to species. Peltate trichomes located in depressions were found only in species of Artocarpus, and so should be of diagnostic value for the genus. In all species the trichomes secrete polysaccharides, alkaloids and lipids; phenolic compounds occur in A. heterophyllus and M. tinctoria trichomes. Th ese trichomes probably act in the protection against herbivores, pathogens, desiccation and/ or UV radiation. Moreover, the trichomes found in the infl orescence of D. cayapia may exert a function in pollen grain adhesion.