Idiomarina baltica sp. nov., a marine bacterium with a high optimum growth temperature isolated from surface water of the central Baltic Sea Two bacterial strains isolated from the Baltic Sea, OS145 T and OS146, were characterized on the basis of their physiological and biochemical features, their fatty acid profiles and their phylogenetic position based on 16S rDNA sequence analyses. The strains were isolated from the upper oxic water column of the central Baltic Sea. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rDNA gene sequences revealed a clear affiliation of the novel strains with members of the genus Idiomarina, of the Gammaproteobacteria. Closest sequence similarity was seen with Idiomarina abyssalis and Idiomarina zobellii (95-96 %). The mean G+C content of the DNA of strains OS145 T and OS146 was 49?7 mol%. Both strains were non-pigmented, Gram-negative, polarly flagellated organisms that were strictly aerobic. Growth of the strains was observed at salinities ranging from 0?8 to 10 % NaCl. Temperature range for growth was rather broad and high for marine bacteria: both strains grew between 8 and 46 ‡C, showed good growth between 20 and 44 ‡C, and had an optimum between 30 and 40 ‡C. The fatty acids of the two strains were dominated by iso-branched fatty acids (54-80 %), with a high abundance of C 15 : 0 iso (36 %), C 16 : 1 v7c , C 17 : 0 iso and C 17 : 1 iso v9c . Growth temperature (8-40 ‡C) influenced the fatty acid composition of the strains in a way that the content of iso-branching fatty acids increased with increasing temperatures, while the mono-unsaturated fatty acids increased with decreasing temperatures. Salinity (1?7-10 % NaCl) had only a minor effect on the fatty acid composition. According to their morphology, physiology, fatty acid composition and 16S rDNA sequences, strains OS145 T and OS146 fitted well into the genus Idiomarina, but could be easily distinguished from the recognized species of the genus. Because of their unique nature, it is proposed that the strains isolated from the Baltic Sea represent a novel species, for which the name Idiomarina baltica (type strain OS145 T =DSM 15154 T =LMG 21691 T ) is proposed.
INTRODUCTIONAt the time of writing, the genus Idiomarina contained two species, Idiomarina abyssalis and Idiomarina zobellii, of strictly aerobic Gammaproteobacteria, which were isolated from deep-sea samples from the northwest Pacific Ocean (Ivanova et al., 2000). Comparison of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of these two species with those of submitted sequences of clones and isolates showed that related sequences were derived from deep-sea sediments, with sequences from a hydrothermal mound of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge showing the highest similarity, while those of Pacific deep-sea organisms were more distantly related.An eminent feature of the genus Idiomarina is the unique composition of its fatty acids, with a high percentage of iso-branched fatty acids. Strains OS145 T and OS146, isolated from the central Baltic Sea, have an unsaturated iso-branched fatty acid (C 17 : 1 iso v9c , 8...