Herein, we report the synthesis of novel sulfonimidamides (SIAs) based on amino acid building blocks using a oneâpot method from tertâbutyldiphenylsilylâprotected (TBDPS) sulfonamides, as well as exploration of orthogonal deprotection strategies. Among the several protecting groups investigated, TBDPS showed higher conversion, allowed UV detection and simple diastereomeric separation; in particular in combination with amino acid tertâbutyl esters. Moreover, we applied the present method to synthesize cyclic fiveâmembered acyl sulfonimidamides in two steps. The described synthesis of SIAâbased amino acid building blocks in combination with the orthogonal protection groups provide access to unnatural amino acid building blocks useful for further incorporation into larger molecules, such as peptideâbased transitionâstate analogues and peptidomimetics. The chirality of the SIA group, as well as its additional point of diversity provided by the extra NH group, creates opportunities for the development of unique compound libraries that explore new chemical space, which is of considerable importance for the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry.