Solving manipulation tasks requires planning not only robot motions but also various interaction such as grasps (robot-object) and placements (object-environment). This indispensable interaction imparts extra complexity to the problems such that solving complex manipulation tasks, which require a number of regrasping operations, remains elusive. In this thesis, we advance the state of the art by presenting novel unimanual and bimanual manipulation planning algorithms capable of planning manipulation motions with multiple regrasping. First, we introduce a unimanual manipulation planner that explores the composite con guration space e ciently and systematically, thanks to the guidance of the novel high-level grasp-placement graph. Unlike existing methods, the graph construction does not require heavy preprocessing and is speci c to only the gripper and the manipulated object. Next, we present two bimanual manipulation planners. The rst one addresses speci c, yet challenging, cases when bimanual grasps remain the same throughout. With the novel characterization of con guration space with closed-chain constraints, the proposed planner can plan motions across di erent closed-chain connected components. The second one addresses more general cases when the object can be moved only when grasped by both robots. We present a planner with certi ed completeness property, which guarantees that when a certi cate is available for a given object and environment, the planner will nd a solution to any bimanual manipulation query whenever one exists. The hardware experiment demonstrates the planner's capability and is, to the best of our knowledge, the rst to illustrate such regrasping capability, solving complex bimanual manipulation task on an actual system. Furthermore, we also present two improvements to motion planning, which indeed is a crucial component in any manipulation planning algorithm. The rst improvement is an algorithm for generating time-optimal second-order trajectories subject to velocity, acceleration, and minimum-switch-time constraints. The latter constraint helps prevent concentrated acceleration switching in trajectories. The second improvement is a new bidirectional motion planner called AVP-BiRRT. The integration of the Admissible Velocity Propagation (AVP) algorithm, which enables a geometric path planner to nd dynamically feasible paths, into a bidirectional planner is made possible by our newly proposed extension, AVP-Backward.
4First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Quang-Cuong Pham. It is he who steers me in the right direction throughout my study. I am thankful for his support, his care, and his time he has given to me, which are, I truly believe, among the best a PhD student could hope for. I appreciate how his perpetual energy and enthusiasm keep pushing me forward. We have had countless fruitful discussions and I have learned a lot from him.I am grateful to the good friends I have here in CRI group-Huy Nguyen, Francisco Suárez-Ruiz, Ahmad Bin Anwar, Tien Hung Pham, Aditya Kapoor, ...