We study the vibrational spectrum of the protonated water dimer, by means of a divide-and-conquer semiclassical initial value representation of the quantum propagator, as a first step in the study of larger protonated water clusters. We use the potential energy surface from [Huang et al., J. Chem. Phys. 122, 044308 (2005)]. To tackle such an anharmonic and floppy molecule, we employ fully Cartesian dynamics and carefully reduce the coupling to global rotations in the definition of normal modes. We apply the time-averaging filter and obtain clean power spectra relative to suitable reference states, that highlight the spectral peaks corresponding to the fundamental excitations of the system. Our trajectory-based approach allows us for physical interpretation of the very challenging proton transfer modes. We find that it is important, for such a floppy molecule, to selectively avoid to initially excite lower energy modes, in order to obtain cleaner spectra. The estimated vibrational energies display a mean absolute error (MAE) of ∼ 29cm −1 with respect to available Multi-Configuration time-dependent Hartree calculations and MAE ∼ 14cm −1 when compared to the optically active experimental excitations of the Ne-tagged Zundel cation. The reasonable scaling in the number of trajectories for Monte Carlo convergence is promising for applications to higher dimensional protonated cluster systems.The Zundel cation is the most representative member of the family of protonated water clusters, towards which many computational efforts are being devoted, mainly motivated by a flourishing of experimental results, 11-16 and the request for higher accuracy. [17][18][19][20][21] In this respect, this molecule is a prototypical example that has been tackled by various approaches, given the great biological relevance of the charge transport mechanism in aqueous solutions. [22][23][24][25][26][27] On the experimental side, the vibrational spectrum of the Zundel cation has been investigated by infrared multiphoton photodissociation spectroscopy 28,29 and noble gases predissociation spectroscopy, in particular Argon and Neon. [30][31][32] The theoretical literature about the vibrational spectrum of the Zundel cation is quite vast, since its strong anharmonicity provides the ideal test-bed for theoretical methods. The PES computed at the level of coupled cluster theory and devised in Ref. 33, has been employed by a plethora of methods for vibrational calculations, such as vibrational configuration interaction (VCI), 34 diffusion Monte Carlo, 32,35 classical molecu-