The purpose of this paper is to present several new, sometimes surprising, results concerning a class of hyperholomorphic functions over quaternions, the so-called slice regular functions. The concept of slice regular function is a generalization of the one of holomorphic function in one complex variable. The results we present here show that such a generalization is multifaceted and highly non-trivial. We study the behavior of the Jacobian matrix J f of a slice regular function f proving in particular that det(J f ) ≥ 0, i.e. f is orientationpreserving. We give a complete characterization of the fibers of f making use of a new notion we introduce here, the one of wing of f . We investigate the singular set N f of f , i.e. the set in which J f is singular. The singular set N f turns out to be equal to the branch set of f , i.e. the set of points y such that f is not a homeomorphism locally at y. We establish the quasi-openness properties of f . As a consequence we deduce the validity of the Maximum Modulus Principle for f in its full generality. Our results are sharp as we show by explicit examples.2010 MSC: Primary 30G35; Secondary 30C15, 32A30, 57R45.Keywords: Quaternionic hyperholomorphic functions, Orientation-preserving maps, Singular and branch sets of differentiable maps, Quasi-openness, Maximum Modulus Principle. than two. During the last century several generalizations were introduced mainly over quaternions H, octonions O and Clifford algebras R m , see [5,27]. These generalized theories share many analytic and differential behaviors with the theory of holomorphic functions of a complex variable. However they do not include the classical theory of polynomials with noncommutative coefficients on one side, see [29].In 2006 Gentili and Struppa [13,14] remedied to this 'algebraic' lack introducing a new theory, the one of slice regular functions over quaternions. Such a theory was extended to octonions and Clifford algebras in [8,15,16]. In paper [20] we gave a unified and generalized approach valid over all real alternative * -algebras, based on the concept of stem function. The theory has developed rapidly, see e.g. [12,23] and references therein. It has proven also its effectiveness in applications to quaternionic functional calculus and mathematical foundation of quaternionic quantum mechanics (see e.g. [9,17,18]), classification of orthogonal complex structures in R 4 (see e.g. [3,4,10]), and operator semigroup theory in noncommutative setting (see e.g. [7,24,25]).The stem function approach over quaternions reads as follows, see [20]. Let H be the real division algebra of quaternions and let S H = {J ∈ H | J 2 = −1} be the 2-sphere of its imaginary units. For each J ∈ S H , we denote by C J = Span(1, J) ≃ C the subalgebra of H generated by J. Then we have the 'slice' decompositionGiven a (non-empty) subset D of C, we define the circularization Ω D of D as follows: