1 space of stable curves is its own log canonical model (see Theorem 4.7). Our basic strategy it to interpolate between the log canonical model and the (conjectural) canonical model by consideringThis program is a subject of ongoing work, inspired by correspondence with S. Keel, in collaboration with D. Hyeon. Future papers will address the stable behavior of these spaces for successively smaller values of α. It is remarkable that their behavior is largely independent of the genus (see, for example, Remark 4.9.)However, for small values of g special complexities arise. When g = 2 or 3, the locus in M g of curves with automorphism has codimension ≤ 1. To include these spaces under our general framework, we must take into account the properties of the moduli stack M g . In particular, it is necessary to use the canonical divisor of the moduli stack rather than its coarse moduli space. These differ substantially, as the natural morphism M g → M g is ramified at stable curves admitting automorphisms.Luckily, we have inherited a tremendously rich literature on curves of small genus. The invariant-theoretic properties of M 2 were extensively studied by the 19th century German school [Cl], who realized it as an open subset of the weighted projective space P(1, 2, 3, 5). Theorem 4.10 reinterprets this classical construction using the modern language of stacks and minimal models.We work over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. We use the notation ≡ for Q-linear equivalence of divisors. Throughout, a curve is a connected, projective, reduced scheme of dimension one. The genus of a curve is its arithmetic genus.The moduli stack of smooth (resp. stable) curves of genus g is denoted M g (resp. M g ); the corresponding coarse moduli scheme is denoted M g (resp. M g ). The boundary divisors in M g (resp. M g ) are denoted ∆ 0 , ∆ 1 , . . . , ∆ ⌊g/2⌋ (resp. δ 0 , δ 1 , . . . , δ ⌊g/2⌋ ).Let Q : M g → M g denote the natural morphism from the moduli stack to the coarse moduli space, so that Q * ∆ i = δ i , i = 1 Q * ∆ 1 = 2δ 1 .