Let I be an ideal of height two in R = k [x0, x1] generated by forms of the same degree, and let K be the ideal of defining equations of the Rees algebra of I. Suppose that the second largest column degree in the syzygy matrix of I is e. We give an algorithm for computing the minimal generators of K whose degree is at least e, as well as a simple formula for the bidegrees of these generators. In the case where I is an almost complete intersection, we give a generating set for each graded piece Ki, * with i ≥ e − 1.Let I be an ideal in a Noetherian ring R. The Rees algebra of I, defined asis a central object in both commutative algebra, where it is used to study the asymptotic behavior of I, and algebraic geometry, where it corresponds to blowing up the closed subscheme V (I) in Spec R. A common approach to understanding Rees algebras is by representing them as quotients of polynomial rings. Namely, ifcalled the ideal of defining equations of R(I). Much work has been done to determine the ideal K under various conditions (such as [1,3,5,14,15,16,23,24,25,26,31,32]). However, even in the relatively simple case where R = k[x 0 , x 1 ] is a polynomial ring in two variables over a field and I is a homogeneous ideal generated in a single degree d, the problem of determining the equations ofThis problem is of interest not only in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, but also in elimination theory and geometric modeling, where it is connected to implicitization of parametrized varieties (e.g. [4,9,10,28,27]). We focus on the case R = k[x 0 , x 1 ] where k is an algebraically closed field. To any height two homogeneous ideal I ⊂ R generated by forms f 1 , . . . , f n of degree d, we may associate a morphism Φ :Conversely, to any map Φ :we may associate the ideal I = (f 1 , . . . , f n ) ⊂ R. Then the Rees algebra R(I) is the bihomogeneous coordinate ring of the graph of Φ, Γ Φ = {(p, Φ(p)) | p ∈ P 1 k } ⊂ P 1 k × P n−1 k .