The aim of this study is to determine the effects of regular treadmill exercise on some blood parameters in rats with experimental diabetes model. In the study, 36 Wistar Albino rats were divided into 4 groups as Control (C), Exercise (E), Diabetes (D) and Diabetes+Exercise (DE). A single dose of 60 mg/kg STZ solution was injected intraperitoneally (i.p) into the D and DE groups to create a diabetes model. After diabetes induction, E and DE groups were given running exercise at 20 m/min and 45 minutes daily for 4 weeks. According to the data obtained; while lipid profile (TC, LDL, TG) and liver enzyme (ALT, AST) levels increased significantly in group D compared to group C, HDL and TP levels were found to decrease. However, a decrease was observed in parameters other than HDL and TP in the DE group. It was also observed that the mineral and vitamin (Vit D, Ca, Mg and Zn) levels decreased in the D group compared to the C group, while these values tended to increase in the DE group. As a result, the experiment shows that a 4-week regular exercise program in rats with diabetes has a therapeutic, preventive and protective effect on lipoprotein levels, liver enzyme markers and micronutrient levels.