A working definition of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is technique by which one generates the atomic trajectories of a system of N particles by numerical integration of Newton's equation of motion, for a specific interatomic potential, with certain initial condition (IC) and boundary condition (BC).Consider, for example (see Fig. 1), a system with N atoms in a volume . We can define its internal energy: E ≡ K + U , where K is the kinetic energy,and U is the potential energy,x 3N (t) denotes the collective of 3 D coordinates x 1 (t), x 2 (t), . . . , x N (t). Note that E should be a conserved quantity, i.e., a constant of time, if the system is truly isolated.One can often treat a MD simulation like an experiment. Below is a common flowchart of an ordinary MD run:in which we fine-tune the system until it reaches the desired condition (here, temperature T and pressure P), and then perform property averages, for instance calculating the radial distribution function g(r)[1] or thermal conductivity [2]. One may also perform a non-equilibrium MD calculation, during which the system is subjected to perturbational or large external driving forces, 565 S. Yip (ed.), Handbook of Materials Modeling,