Summary In 82 patients with stage III malignant melanoma, the primary tumours were investigated by DNA flow cytometry. The tumours were classified as DNA diploid (n = 36), tetraploid (n = l1) and aneuploid (n = 35). By univariate analysis a significant correlation with post-recurrence survival was found for time to first metastasis, DNA-ploidy and S-phase fraction.By multivariate analysis, significant prognostic variables were found to be the time to first metastasis (P = 0.006), and ploidy (P = 0.011). Patients with diploid melanomas and a long recurrence-free interval had a median post-recurrence survival time of 45 months compared to 18 months in patients with DNA aneuploid tumours and an early recurrence.The S-phase could be estimated in 47 primary melanomas and was found to be a significant prognostic variable (P = 0.017). The median survival was 45 months for patients with melanomas with a S-phase fraction below 5%, and 19 months for melanomas with S-phase above 10%. The prognostic value of the S-phase remained significant even after adjustment for recurrence-free interval and DNA ploidy.The prognostic importance of DNA ploidy and S-phase estimated by flow cytometry has been elucidated for a number of different neoplasms (Lenner et al., 1987;Rosenberg et al., 1989;Stal et al., 1989 1966 and 1974. The total follow up period was 7 to 25 years. The mean potential follow up time after recurrence was 12 years and 8 months. There were no significant differences in sex, age, growth pattern, level of invasion, tumour thickness, presence or absence of ulceration and site of origin of the melanoma between the two groups. In group B the time to first metastasis tended to be longer (mean 31.2 months) than in group A (mean 17.5 months), but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.054).In group A 12 patients were alive February 1991. Two patients died of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and duodenal cancer respectively, 10 and 3.5 years after surgery for the primary melanoma. Another patient had a fatal heart infarction 10.5 years after the melanoma diagnosis. These three patients were in complete melanoma remission at death. The other 42 patients in group A had a mean survival of 24.5 months (range 4-68 months) after recurrence, and died with disseminated malignant melanoma. Two patients in group B were still alive February 1991, and in this group four patients died from intercurrent diseases. The 19 patients in group B, who died by dissemination of malignant melanoma had a mean survival time after first metastasis of 20.7 months (range 2-61 months).
CytometryAn area with high density of tumour cells was identified on the hematoxylin-eosin stained section and the corresponding area on a 50 gLm section from the formalin fixed paraffinembedded material was identified and deparaffinised in xylene. Hydration was performed in a sequence of ethanol solutions in water (99.5%, 95%, 70% and 40%), and finally the specimens were washed twice with 5-ml aliquots of distilled water. Centrifugations between each...