The chemical affinity of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to adsorb to the surfaceo fs ingle-walledc arbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is used forS WCNT purification, separation and in bio-devices. Despite the popularity of research on SWCNT-ssDNA conjugates,v ery little work has studied the removal of adsorbed ssDNA on SWCNTs. This paper reports ac omprehensive study of biological, physical and chemical treatments for the removal of ssDNA from SWCNTssDNA suspensions. These include enzymatic cleavage, heat treatment under vacuum up to 400 8C, chemicalt reatments with high or low pH, oxidizing conditions, and high-ionicstrength solvents. Complimentary characterization techniques including fluorescencef rom aD NA-intercalating dye (YO-PRO-1) and photoelectron spectroscopy are used to exhaustively study and comparet he methods investigated. Enzymet reatmenti sf ound to remove the phosphate backbone only,l eaving nucleosides adsorbed to SWCNTs. Heating in inert atmosphere is ineffective at removing ssDNA. Acid, base and oxidative treatment are found to be effective for the removal of ssDNA from SWCNTs. Wherep ossible the mechanism of desorption is described and from the findings suggestions for "best practices" are provided.