El could be blocked by a monoclonal antibody that bound E2 in the region of amino acids 18-41 of E2 whereas a monoclonal antibody reactive with a nearby part of the molecule (amino acids 2-17) only partially blocked this interaction. These results suggest that a region in the N-terminus of E2 around amino acids 18-41 is a site of interaction with the E l protein.Keywords. Papillomavirus; HPV16; E l ; E2; protein interactions.The papillomaviruses are a group of over 70 types of doublestranded DNA viruses that can infect a variety of animal species. Viral infection is associated with the formation of benign epithelial tumours and, depending on the viral type, has been linked with malignant carcinoma. Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) is a high risk type that is frequently associated with progression to malignancy in the human cervix (zur Hausen and Schneider, 1987).A number of early open reading frames have been defined for HPV16. The gene product of the E2 open reading frame is a 365-amino-acid protein, divided into three functional domains. The N-terminal trans-acting domain is separated from a C-terminal DNA-binding domain by a proline-rich hinge (Gin and Yaniv, 1988).The E2 protein has an important regulatory function as a trans-acting protein in the control of papillomavirus P,, promoter. This promoter regulates expression of HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins, which are involved in cellular transformation (Munger et al., 1992). Although HPV16 E2 can trans-activate heterologous promoters such as the simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter, it has a trans-repressing effect on the HPV16 P , promoter. This promoter region contains several sites for cellular trans-activators such as Spl and AP1 and is activated in the absence of E2 (Cripe et al., 1990). The repressive effect of E2 on the P,, promoter is likely to be due, at least in part, to E2 DNA binding causing displacement of other transcription factors sucfi as Spl and TFIID from the promoter region (Tan et al., 1992(Tan et al., , 1994.The replicative function of the E2 gene product has been extensively studied in bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPVl), as DNA from this type can become established as a stable, replicated plasmid in murine and bovine fibroblasts (Lambert, 1991). The ability of viral DNA to replicate in this system is dependent on the presence of the gene products of the viral E l and E2 open reading frames (OW) in association with other cellular factors (DiMaio and Settleman, 1988). Similarly, replication of HPVll DNA in a squamous carcinoma cell line requires the presence of both E l and E2. Using the same system, it has been possible to replicate the origin of HPV16 but only in the presence of HPVll E l and HPV16 E2 expressed from strong heterologous promoters (del Vecchio et al., 1992).The nuclear-localised early protein E l shares some biochemical characteristics with SV40 large T antigen, including helicase and ATPase activities (Clertant and Seif, 1984;Sun et al., 1990). The SV40 large T antigen is the only viral protein required for SV40 replicati...