Developmental patterns of embryos from high and low protein wheat (Tridcum aesdvum) grain produced under varied fertilizer conditions were compared. High protein grain produced seedlngs 25% heavier with 25% more total RNA, 30% more DNA, 40% more amino acids, 60% more ribosomes, and 80% more soluble protein content than that of low protein seed. Consistendy higher glutamine synthetase and a-amylase and lower acid phosphatase activities were observed in high protein seeds, though the isozyme pattern of a-amylase was not different in the two kinds of seeds.The hgh total ribosomes and particularly, polysome content observed in high protein seeds may be responsible for the rapid growth and high yield of these seeds.One application of nitrogen-fertilizer (8, 10,11) Table I.Four replications of 100 seeds were germinated in paper towel rolls at 20 C in the dark. Fresh weight of 5 to 10 embryos or seedling axes from each roll was determined daily. After weighing, the embryos or seedling axes and the endosperms were homogenized in 10 ml of 85% ethanol with a polytron (Brinkman Instruments model PT20ST), set at 5.5 for 30 sec. Soluble sugars and free amino acids were analyzed in the extract by the anthrone and ninhydrin methods, respectively (3).RNA and DNA were determined in the residue of ethanol extraction after alkaline and acid hydrolysis by the orcinol and the diphenylamine methods, respectively (3). Another set of germinating seeds was used for the determination of the enzyme activities of glutamine synthetase (EC and acid phosphatase (EC in embryos or seedling axes and a-amylase (EC in endosperms. Four replications of 10 (older germination stages) to 20 seeds or seedlings were separated into groups of embryos, seedling axes, and endosperms in a moist chamber, and each group was collected on ice. The enzyme extraction was conducted at 0 to 3 C. The embryos or seedling axes were washed with ice-cold grinding buffer containing 0.1 M HEPES, 4 mm Mg-acetate, 0.1 M sucrose, and 10 mm mercaptoethanol. The washed material was ground with a mortar and pestle in 10 ml of grinding buffer and 100 mg of purified insoluble PVP to remove phenolics. The slurry was centrifuged at 30,000g for 10 min and the cell-free supernatant was used as the enzyme preparation. The soluble protein content of the enzyme preparation was determined by the Lowry method after trichloroacetic acid precipitation (13).Acid phosphatase was assayed by the method of deLeo and Scher (6) using 50 ,A of the enzyme preparation incubated at 30 C for 5 min. Glutamine synthetase was assayed by the glutamyl hydroxamate produced in 0.4 ml of the enzyme preparation incubated at 30 C for 10 min (16).Four replications of two endosperms from each germination stage were homogenized in 10 ml of 0.2% Ca-acetate (pH 6.0) by a Polytron as stated previously. The slurry was incubated at 70 C for 20 min with occasional stirring to extract a-amylase selectively (1). The slurry was then centrifuged at 30,000g for 10 min, and the supernatant was ...