Uracil-DNA glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endodeoxyribonuclease hacc been purified from cultured carrot cells.The two enzymes, separated by affinity chromatography on Sepharosc-pc,ly(rU), were found to have properties similar to those of the homologous bacterial and mammalian enzymes. 1 he action of AP endodeoxyribonuclease on (dA)230 . (dT, dU)230 partially depyrimidinated by uracil-DNA 811 co\ylase suggests that these two enzymes might act successively to initiate the repair of uracil-containing DNA Inforination concerning enzymes implicated in the DNA repair of plant cells is scarce. Nevertheless, the available data suggest that the repair mechanisms are similar to those described in bacterial and in mammalian cells. For instance, endodeoxyribonucleases for apurinic sites were studied in tissues of Phascolus mult(f1orus [I, 21 and barley [3,4].The apuriniciapyrimidinic (AP) endodeoxyribonuclease acts in an early step of the excision repair pathway by cutting the DNA backbone near a missing base lost either spontaneously or as the result of the action of specific DNA glycosylases. These latter enzymes, recently found in bacterial and in mammalian cells, catalyze the hydrolysis of the glycosyl bond between the deoxyribose moiety and an altered or incorrect base in DNA [5]. In this new class of enzymatic activities, uracil-DNA glycosylase is involved in the removal of uracil erroneously incorporated in newly synthesized D N A or produced by deamination of cytosine.This paper presents some data on the isolation and characterization of an uracil-DNA glycosylase from cultured carrot cells. An AP endodeoxyribonuclease which subsequently acts in the repair of DNA was also detected and partially characterized. The present findings suggest the existence of a base-excision repair mechanism in plant cells. up to 1 ml with water, supplemented with 10 ml of Insta-Gel (Packard) and counted in a liquid scintillation spectrometer. The results were corrected by subtracting the radioactivity of controls which were prepared under the same conditions without enzyme, and which gave ;I very low acid-soluble fraction. We adopted the unit of AI' endodeoxyribonuclease defined by Verly and Rassart [S] as the amount which releases 10 :4 of the total alkylated-depurinatcd DNA radioactivity into the acid-soluble fraction in 1 he conditions described above.
Subs t ra tosAssuy .for Uracil-DNA Glycos~~lns~~. The enzyme activity was measured as outlined previously [7]. The standard reaction mixture (50 pl) contained 10 tnM TrisjHCI, pH 7.8,