This study was designed to elucidate the mechanism underlying the inhibition of endothelial cell growth by laminar shear stress. Tumor suppressor gene p53 was increased in bovine aortic endothelial cells subjected to 24 h of laminar shear stress at 3 dynes (1 dyne ؍ 10 N)͞cm 2 or higher, but not at 1.5 dynes͞cm 2 . One of the mechanisms of the shear-induced increase in p53 is its stabilization after phosphorylation by c-Jun N-terminal kinase. To investigate the consequence of the shear-induced p53 response, we found that prolonged laminar shear stress caused increases of the growth arrest proteins GADD45 (growth arrest and DNA damage inducible protein 45) and p21 cip1 , as well as a decrease in phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma gene product. Our results suggest that prolonged laminar shear stress causes a sustained p53 activation, which induces the up-regulation of GADD45 and p21 cip1 . The resulting inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase and hypophosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein lead to endothelial cell cycle arrest. This inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation by laminar shear stress may serve an important homeostatic function by preventing atherogenesis in the straight part of the arterial tree that is constantly subjected to high levels of laminar shearing. H emodynamic forces regulate the structure and function of the blood vessel wall (1, 2). Vascular endothelial cells (ECs), located at the interface between the circulating blood and the blood vessel, are exposed to shear stresses resulting from the tangential forces exerted by the flowing fluid on the vessel wall. The magnitude and pattern of the shear stress acting on ECs depend on blood flow, blood viscosity, and the vascular geometry, which varies with the location in the vascular tree. In regions of the vascular tree that have predilection for atherosclerotic lesions (e.g., branch points of large to medium arteries), the complex flow pattern is associated with low shear stresses that exhibit large spatial variations. In contrast, in the straight parts of the arterial tree, which are generally spared from atherosclerosis, blood flow is more laminar, and the high level of shear stress shows little spatial variations. Previous in vitro and in vivo findings have shown that ECs respond to shear stress in a magnitude-and flow pattern-dependent manner (3-5). ECs subjected to a long duration of laminar shear stress at the relatively high levels seen in the straight part of the arterial tree [i.e., on the order of 10-20 dynes (1 dyne ϭ 10 N)͞cm 2 ] have been found to have a lower rate of DNA synthesis than that under static condition (6). This shear-induced reduction of DNA synthesis, which indicates a decrease in cell proliferation, is not seen in ECs subjected to low shear stresses at 1-5 dynes͞cm 2 (6-8). The molecular mechanisms by which EC growth is regulated by the high level of sustained laminar shear stress seen in the lesion-resistant part of the arterial tree have not yet been clearly established. The elucidation of these mechanisms...