In this study, a theory on Advanced Panspermia of Origin of Life and Evolution is proposed by establishing (i) striking planetary similarities observed for parents and their children of their respective birth times similar to matching bands in DNA Fingerprinting images of them establishing heredity; (ii) the number of DNA entries required to differentiate one person from the other being identical to the number of planetary configurations that would result (iii) the Lunar Magnetism Orchestrated Menstrual Cycle in Symphony of Reproduction of Life, and (iv) Cambrian Explosion witnessed origin of complex vertebrates simultaneously and all of a sudden. All the above comprise the strongest scientific evidence in the "Breakthrough of "Advanced Panspermia of Origin of Life and Evolution". Perhaps, the totipotent cell, formed in space under abiotic conditions during the early days of the solar system, picks up different magnetic signals from out of the solar symphony and at different stages of its development and the DNA is thus programmed. These pre-programmed magnetic memories may be evoked later in evolution when similar magnetic signals are repeated. Life came into being from space brought by star dust on the Earth with each major change of climate for evolution at intervals of simple multiples of Geological Time Scale 'Periods'. The study also discusses of how the Sun, Moon, and planets telegraph their effects to us, via interplanetary space striking Earth's magnetosphere, which are perceived by the neural network of the living beings, which are genetically predisposed to hear specific planetary signals.