& Spiegelman (1965) was used to measure the genetic relatedness among ten different species within the genus Candida and among three of these species and their counterparts within perfect genera. Close relationships were found between Candida albicans (guanine + cytosine content (YoGC), 35-1), C. claussenii (%GC, 34.9) and C. stellatoidea (% GC, 35-7), which showed a relative homology of 63 to 73 yo, and between C. brumptii (yoGC, 54-1) and C. catenulata (% GC, 5 4 9 , relative homology 75 yo. Very close relationships were seen between the three pairs of perfect and imperfect counterparts, C. pelliculosa (yo GC, 36.8) and Hansenula anomala (yo GC, 36-6), relative homology 8 I Yo, C. melinii (% GC, 40'9) and H. wingei (yo GC, 41 -2), relative homology 97 %, and C. pseudotropicalis (% GC, 41 '3) and Kluyveromyces fragilis (%GC, 41.6), relative homology 92 %. Some degree of homology (32 %) was also found between C. pelliculosa and C. pseudotropicalis. The relatedness between C. albicans and the seven other Candida species (yo GC, 36.6 to 57.6) examined was low, relative homology 4 to 13 %. This also applies to C. tropicalis (% GC, 34.9).