Type II restriction endonuclease activities detected in various Neisseria species were characterized for sequence specificity and precise site of cleavage. NsiCI isolated from N. sicca C351 cleaves the sequence 5′‐GAT↓ATC‐3′ (EcoRV isoschizomer); NmeCI from N. meningitidis C114 and NphI from N. pharyngis C245 cleave 5′‐N↓GATCN‐3′ (MboI isoschizomers); NgoPII and NgoPIII from N. gonorrhoeae P9‐2 cleave at 5′‐CC↓GCGG‐3′ (SacII isoschizomer) and 5′‐GG↓CC‐3′ (HaeIII isoschizomer), respectively. Chromosomal DNA isolated from these strains and two other N. meningitidis strains (which lacked detectable endonuclease activities), was found to be refractive to cleavage by various restriction enzymes, implying the presence of methylase activities additional to those required for protection against the cellular endonucleases.