Although numerous studies of gastric cancers on DNA ploidy have been reported, differences in the degree of aneuploidy (DNA index, DI) during progression have not been identified. We attempted to chart the differences in DIs during progression to clarify the role of aneuploidy in gastric cancers. We classified the gastric cancers examined into intestinal (n = 88) and diffuse (n = 48) types, and then analyzed 136 gastric cancers (intramucosal cancer, 42; submucosal cancer, 39; advanced cancer, 55) by flow cytometry using multiple sampling. In addition, we examined the DNA ploidy pattern of mucosal and submucosal lesions using the same submucosal cancers to study the tumor progression in individual cancers. Intratumoral DNA differences in DNA ploidy were observed in both types of gastric cancers. In intestinal‐type cancers, multiple subclones indicated by a different DI occurred during the early stage of gastric cancers, whereas in diffuse‐type cancers, multiple subclones were found primarily in advanced cancers. Although the DI varied widely in early intestinal‐type cancers between 1.0 and 2.0, in early diffuse‐type cancers, the DI tended to be less than 1.2. However, in advanced stage gastric cancers, the DI distribution was similar for both histological types. In intestinal‐type cancers, high DI (>1.3) aneuploidy was frequently found in mucosal lesions. In contrast, only low DI (<1.2) aneuploid clones were observed in mucosal lesions of diffuse‐type cancers. The present results suggest that high DI aneuploid tumor clones in intramucosal cancers acquire invasive ability when they progress to submucosal cancers, whereas DNA aneuploidy itself plays an important role in submucosal invasion of diffuse‐type cancers. Cytometry (Comm. Clin. Cytometry) 42:270–276, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.