Ultraviolet (UV) light can stall replication forks owing to the formation of bulky lesions in the DNA. Replication across these blocking lesions occurs through translesion DNA synthesis, and cells activate the ATR damage responses to UV. However, it remains unclear whether lesion bypass requires the replication checkpoint because ATR is not necessary for PCNA ubiquitylation. We observed that ATR knockdown by siRNA increased replication stress and promoted early induction of apoptosis following UVB irradiation in SV40-immortalized human cells, including cells from XP-V and XP-C patients. XP-V cells were further sensitized by the silencing, indicating that DNA polymerase g (Pol g) remains active despite ATR control. However, following UVB irradiation, ATR-depleted cells were unable to achieve mitosis, as would be expected after the loss of a DNA checkpoint control. Thus, ATR also regulates replication arrest recovery following UVB-induced damage, independently of Pol g, in SV40-immortalized cell lines. The ATR-mediated DNA damage response regulates replication and different tolerance pathways, and in these cells, ATR depletion induces replication catastrophe, which contributes to explain the potential of ATR inhibition to protect against UVB-induced carcinogenesis.