We have investigated the DNase I sensitivity of transcriptionally active DNA sequences in intact nuclei and isolated chromatin from embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Nuclei or isolated chromatin was incubated with DNase I, and the extent of DNA digestion was monitored as percentage acid solubility. The resistant DNA and DNA from sham-digested controls were used to drive reassociation reactions with cDNA populations corresponding to either total poly(A)+RNA from unimbibed wheat embryos or polysomal poly(A)'RNA from embryos that had imbibed for 3 hr. Sequences complementary to either probe were depleted in DNase I-resistant DNA from nuclei and from chromatin isolated under low-ionic-strength conditions. This indicates that transcriptionally active sequences are preferentially DNase I sensitive in plants. In chromatin isolated at higher ionic strength, cDNA complementary sequences were not preferentially depleted by DNase I treatment. Therefore, the chromatin structure that confers preferential DNase I sensitivity to transcriptionally active genes appears to be lost when the higher-ionic-strength method of preparation is used. Treatment of wheat nuclei with DNase I causes the release offour prominent nonhielone chromosomal proteins that comigrate with wheat high mobility group proteins on NaDodSO4 gels.The enhanced sensitivity of transcriptionally competent genes to pancreatic DNase I was first shown to occur in animal genomes for the globin (1) and ovalbumin (2) genes. In nuclei treated with DNase I, the sequences complementary to rare cytoplasmic poly(A)+RNA are also digested more rapidly than bulk DNA (3, 4). The enhanced sensitivity to DNase I is thought to be a function of the chromatin structure ofthe genes and not due to the presence of transcription complexes.Similar results have been found in the protist Tetrahymena, in which Giri and Gorovsky (5) showed that the DNA of activated ribosomal genes is more susceptible to DNase I digestion than is bulk DNA.In contrast to the above observations, Lohr and Hereford (6) (Triticum aestivum L., var. Yamhill) by using a combination of blending and sieving followed by separation on a sucrose gradient (16). The embryos from both sources gave the same results in these experiments.