Nucleosome positioning has been proposed as a mechanism of transcriptional repression. Here, we examined whether nucleosome positioning affects activator binding in living yeast cells. We introduced the cognate Hap1 binding site (UAS1) at a location 24-43 bp, 29-48 bp or 61-80 bp interior to the edge of a nucleosome positioned by α2/Mcm1 in yeast minichromosomes. Hap1 binding to the UAS1 was severely inhibited, not only at the pseudo-dyad but also in the peripheral region of the positioned nucleosome in α cells, while it was detectable in a cells, in which the nucleosomes were not positioned. Hap1 binding was restored in α cells with tup1 or isw2 mutations, which caused the loss of nucleosome positioning. These results support the mechanism in which α2/Mcm1-dependent nucleosome positioning has a regulatory function to limit the access of transcription factors.Keywords nucleosome positioning; chromatin; activator binding; in vivo footprinting; yeast In a general view of the process of transcriptional activation, activators have to gain access to an array of nucleosomes, and chromatin remodeling complexes and/or histone modification enzymes change the structural features of chromatin to recruit transcriptional machinery to the promoter regions [reviewed in 1,2]. Regarding activator binding, several regulatory factors such as steroid hormone receptor, Gal4-derivatives, USF and Sp1, bind to reconstituted nucleosomes in vitro under some circumstances, although their affinities for nucleosomal DNA decrease by one to three orders of magnitude, relative to those for naked DNA [see reviews, 2-4]. Positioned nucleosomes assembled with Drosophila embryo extracts preclude NF1 binding to its cognate site [5]. In contrast, NF-κB binds to its recognition sites within a positioned nucleosome with an affinity close to that for free DNA in vitro [6]. Yeast Gal4 is one of the best characterized activators binding to nucleosomes in vivo. Gal4 can bind to its cognate site within a positioned nucleosome to perturb the nucleosome in yeast cells [7][8][9][10][11]. Also, the Pho4 activator can reportedly bind its nucleosome-occupied site before nucleosome disassembly in vivo [12]. However, only a few activators have been examined for their access *Corresponding author. Mitsuhiro Shimizu, Department of Chemistry, Meisei University, 2-1-1 Hodokubo, Hino, Tokyo 191-8506, Japan, Phone: +81-42-591-7483, Fax: +81-42-591-7419, E-mail: Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. to DNA within the nucleosome in vivo. Although nucleosome positioning has been observ...