To investigate the relationship between the modulation of topoisomerase II activity and its phosphorylation state during the cell cycle, a monoclonal antibody against C-terminal peptide (residues 1335-1350) of topoisomerase II␣ containing a consensus sequence of casein kinase II, TDDE and its phosphorylated threonine were prepared. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the antibody, named PT1342, recognized the immunogenic phosphopeptide but not the non-phosphorylated form of the peptide. The PT1342 antibody reacted only with a 170-kDa protein from HeLa cells and recognized anti-topoisomerase II␣ immunoprecipitants. Furthermore, the antibody did not react with the human topoisomerase II␣ mutated at codon 1342 from threonine to alanine, showing that PT1342 was directed against the phosphorylated threonine 1342. To examine the level of phosphorylation of threonine 1342 of topoisomerase II␣ through the cell cycle, HeLa cells were stained simultaneously for phosphorylated topoisomerase II␣ and DNA and analyzed by flow cytometry. Cells in the G 2 -M phase contained about double the PT1341-reacted topoisomerase II␣ than did cells in G 1 or S phases. The antibody stained the nuclei in interphase and mitotic chromosomes and its periphery, as seen with anti-topoisomerase II␣ antibody. Thus, threonine 1342 in topoisomerase II␣ is phosphorylated throughout the cell cycle.DNA topoisomerases are enzymes that play an important role in DNA replication and transcription by relieving torsional or interlocking constraints of DNA accumulating during processes of macromolecular syntheses (1-3). Topoisomerases I and II relax supercoiled DNA through transient single-and double-strand breaks, respectively, and topoisomerase II unknots or decatenates the knotted or catenated DNA. The latter activity of topoisomerase II is presumably related to chromosome dynamics in mitosis, where topoisomerase II is absolutely required (4 -7). In addition to catalytic activity, topoisomerase II may function to anchor chromosomal DNA loops to the nuclear scaffold (8, 9); topoisomerase II is a major non-histone protein present in nuclear scaffold fractions (10, 11), and DNA sequences that bind preferentially to the nuclear matrix/chromosomal scaffold (MAR/SAR) contain topoisomerase II cleavage consensus (12). In contrast, the role of topoisomerase II in the maintenance of chromosomes was not supported in studies done using Xenopus egg extracts or Xenopus embryos (13, 14). Topoisomerase II has been considered as one of the targets for anticancer drugs (15). Topoisomerase II inhibitors, such as etoposide or 4Ј-(9-acridinylamino) methane sulfon-m-anisidide, stabilize a catalytic reaction intermediate termed " cleavable complex" in which the enzyme binds covalently to 5Ј-phosphoryl termini of broken DNA (15). There are two known isoforms of topoisomerase II in mammalian cells, topoisomerase II␣ and II. They have molecular masses of 170 kDa and 180 kDa, respectively. These isoforms are mapped to different genes on chromosomes 17 and 3 (16), respectively,...