Recently, a great deal of attention has focused on the growth regulatory effects of androgens in prostate cells. This has also resulted in much interest in the role of these steroid hormones in the development and maintenance of both normal and neoplastic prostate. However, it has not been possible to identify the exact relationship between androgenic hormone levels and the risk of this disease. The hormone-androgen receptor complex, by association with the DNA androgen response elements, specifically promotes the growth of the prostate gland. It has been recognized that there is a close relationship between the androgen mediated signaling pathway and those promoted by peptide growth factors. More insights are being gained into these complex interactions, some of which may lead to novel therapeutic maneuvers. (Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 1999;43/3: 177-185).Keywords: Prostate; Prostatic neoplasia; Androgens; Growth factors; Therapy.
CONSIDERAÇÕES GERAISA PRÓSTATA É UM ÓRGÃO FIRME, de consistência fibroclástica, que pesa cerca de 20 gramas e apresenta diâmetros máximos de 40 mm. Está localizada na base da bexiga urinaria e, do ponto de vista anatômico, pode ser dividida em lobos laterais, anterior, posterior e mediano. Essa divisão somente é nítida no período embrionário e, no órgão adulto, o limite entre os lobos é impreciso, não existindo septos de tecido conjuntivo que os separem. Histologicamente, apresenta dois tipos glandulares, tubuloacinosas compostas e ramificadas, cuja secreção tem como principal função manter