The binding of a species-specific transcription initiation factor (TIF) and purified RNA polymerase I to the promoter region of the 39S ribosomal RNA gene from Acanthamoeba were studied by using DNase I "footprinting." Conditions were chosen such that the footprints obtained could be correlated with the transcriptional activity of the TIFcontaining fractions used and that the labeled DNA present would itself serve as a template for transcription. The transcription factor binds upstream from the transcription start site, protecting a region extending from around -14 to -67 on the coding strand, and -12 to -69 on the noncoding strand. The protein that binds to DNA within this region can be competed out by using wild-type promoters but not by using mutants which do not stably bind the factor. RNA polymerase I can form a stable complex in the presence of DNA and transcription factor, allowing footprinting of the complete transcription initiation complex. RNA polymerase I extends the protected region obtained with TIF alone to around + 18 on the coding strand, and to +20 on the noncoding strand. This region is not protected by polymerase I in the absence ofTIF. The close apposition of the regions protected by TIF and polymerase provides evidence that accurate transcription of the ribosomal gene may be achieved through protein-protein contacts as well as through DNA-protein interactions.Transcription initiation of eukaryotic genes in vitro requires the presence of at least one protein factor in addition to RNA polymerase and a promoter-containing DNA fragment (1-3). For class II, III, and possibly class I genes, one or more of the transcription factors acts through stable interaction with the gene promoter regions (4-6), allowing correct initiation by the polymerase. The details of this process differ considerably between different gene classes, with respect to the sequence and positioning of promoter regions as well as the number of factors thought to be required for transcription.Control regions for polymerase II, and to some extent polymerase III, show promoter sequence homology when comparisons between species are made (7,8). In contrast, the promoter sequences involved in polymerase I transcription are highly diverged, making identification of regulatory sequences by comparison of conserved regions difficult.Studies on ribosomal gene promoters do, however, show that a region flanking the 5' side of the initiation start site is required for transcription (9). Part of this region functions by interaction with protein components of the system to form a stable complex that commits the template for correct transcription (6,(10)(11)(12). In the Acanthamoeba rRNA genes, the sequence required for template commitment extends from around -20 to -47, and it can be divided into two regions: one (A region) is absolutely required for transcription, and the other (B region) is involved with the stability of a preinitiation complex formed between the DNA and a transcription initiation factor (TIF) (6). A third region fla...