Fracture related infections (FRIs) are a disabling condition causing significant concern within the orthopaedic community. FRIs have a huge societal and economic burden leading to prolonged recovery times and the potential for becoming chronic conditions or being life-threatening. Despite its importance in our field, the surgical community has just recently agreed on a definition which, added to the lack of surgical trials assessing preventive and treatment interventions have limited our understanding and precipitated wide variations in surgeons’ practice. This article aims to review the current practices that can be supported with high-quality evidence. Currently, we have a limited body of high-quality evidence on FRI prevention and treatment. A handful of measures have proven effective, such as the use of prophylactic antibiotics, the use of saline and low pressure as the preferred irrigation solution and the safety of delaying initial surgical débridement more than 6 hours without impacting infection rates for open fracture wounds débridement. Future multicentre trials, properly powered, will shed light on current areas of controversy regarding the benefit of different preoperative and perioperative factors for the prevention and treatment of FRIs. Higher quality evidence is needed to guide surgeons to offer an evidence-based approach to prevent FRI occurrence and to treat patients suffering from them.