Agile practices have received attention from industry as an alternative to plan-driven software development approaches. Agile encourages e.g. small self-organized collocated teams, whilst global software engineering (GSE) implies distribution across cultural, temporal and geographical boundaries. Hence, combining them is a challenge. A systematic review was conducted to capture the status of combining agility with GSE. The results were limited to peer-reviewed conference papers or journal articles, published between 1999 and 2009. The synthesis was made through classifying the papers into different categories (e.g. publication year, contribution type, research method). At the end 81 were judged as primary for further analysis. The distribution of papers over the years indicated that GSE and Agile in combination has received more attention in the last five years. However, the majority of the existing research is industrial experience reports, in which Agile practices were modified with respect to the context and situational requirements. The emergent need in this research area is suggested to be developing a framework that considers various factors from different perspectives when incorporating Agile in GSE. Practitioners may use it as a decision-making basis in early phases of software development.