The purpose of this article is to define the level of significance of the different indicators that influence the benefits expected by the customers when deciding on a bank card. The most important indicators that affect the expectations when using the bank card were considered: The level of the credit limit, the existence of rewards programs, the costs associated with the card, the existence of associated services of type e-banking/m-banking, the image and the social status, the possibility to perform ATM cash operations, customer service, ease of use and volume of information on the card. The research was carried out on a sample of 148 bank cardholders in Romania from the Millennials and Generation Z. The values of the indicators for different categories of users of bank cards and different age categories can be determined based on the obtained results and the tests performed. The determined values of the indicators represent the basic elements for building a regression model that will help bank managers to optimize their personalized offers in relation to customer expectations.