Resumen:La importancia del desarrollo profesional del profesorado de Educación Infantil, para satisfacer las necesidades evolutivas infantiles y garantizar una educación de calidad, ha obtenido una gran fundamentación teó-rica y empírica. Investigaciones recientes han puesto de manifiesto que, entre las variables que afectan al desarrollo temprano, las habilidades de interacción del docente son especialmente relevantes. además, diversos meta-análisis recomiendan un tipo de formación centrada en el análisis de la práctica docente a través del video feedback. Sin embargo, son escasos los
Abstract:The relevance of professional development aimed at satisfying children's developmental needs and guaranteeing quality education has achieved a great theoretical and empirical support. according to recent research, among the variables that influence early development care takers' interaction skills are especially relevant. Furthermore, diverse meta-analysis suggest a type of training based on the analysis of practice through video-feedback. However, very few training programs have applied this methodology in Spain so far. That is why the objective of this study was to analyse Programa para la mejora de la sensibilidad (PMS) y habilidades de interacción del profesorado de Educación Infantil alexandeR baRandiaRan aRteaGa, alexandeR Muela aPaRicio, elena lóPez de aRana PRado, iñaki laRRea HeRMida y aGuRtzane MaRtínez GoRRotxateGi
282Educatio Siglo XXI, Vol. 33 nº 2 · 2015, pp. 281-302 the influence the training program for sensitivity improvement (SIP) has on the interaction skills of Infant Education educators. 14 care-takers participated in the research, divided into two groups. The experimental group (n =7), who were trained, and the comparison or control group (n =7). Results show that once the PMS training program had taken place, the educators showed greater sensitivity and verbal stimulation conducts. Besides, in comparison to the teachers who were not treated not undergo the treatment, they obtained higher scores in sensitivity and language stimulation. Despite the fact that the research should be replicated with a bigger sample in the future, the results obtained allow to state that PMS is a type of training that could be effective for Infant Education teachers' educational practice.
Keywords:Professional development; interaction skills; preschool education; video feedback; childcare quality; verbal stimulation; teacher's reflective practice.programas de desarrollo profesional que hayan aplicado esta metodología en España. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en examinar la influencia del programa para la mejora de la sensibilidad (PMS) sobre las habilidades de interacción del profesorado de Educación Infantil. En el estudio participaron 14 educadoras divididas en dos grupos. El grupo de intervención (n =7), que recibió la formación, y el grupo de control (n =7). Los resultados indican que, tras someterse al PMS, las educadoras muestran una mayor sensibilidad y conduc...