“…Collaboration between all stakeholders; Multidisciplinary; organization from across the System, patients, patient advocates and private sector; a team-in-lead strategy; public-private partnerships; spectrum of healthcare providers; multi-sector engagement; integrated care delivery systems; collaboration with physicians, hospital systems; work together and to each-others strengths; all stakeholders to engage with medical device industry; new relationships with industry (Hara et al, 2003); (VBHC Center Europe, 2019); (Horne et al, 2019); (Malik et al, 2018); (Nishtar, 2004); ; (Beck et al, 2012); (Kaplan & Babad, 2011); (Zelmer, 2018); (Nilsson et al, 2017); (Gerecke et al, 2015); (Dafny et al, 2016); (Porter & Ishrak, 2015); (Medtronic, 2016); (Gov UK, 2016); (Martschinke & Traut, 2016); (Hu et al, 2000); (WAG, 2018); (EIU, 2016b); (Young et al, 2001); (Hurh, Ko, & Lee, 2017); (Handke et al, 2017); (Lewis (Lee, 2010) ; ; (Beck et al, 2012); (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, 2019); (Kavanagh et al, 2012); ; (Handke et al, 2017); (Porter & Ishrak, 2015); (Neumann et al, 2011); (Wang et al, 2009); (Doyle, 2011); (Martschinke & Traut, 2016); (Miller, 2012); (Nilsson et al, 2017); (WAG, 2018); (EIU, 2016b); (Jönsson, 2009).…”