“…In other words, paying employees in healthcare system of the Republic of Serbia doesn't off er neither work moral, nor fi nancial satisfaction to their employees, which positively correlates with the indicators of their work's quality. Namely, by analyzing healthcare professionals' attitudes, some authors showed that economy restrictions performed in healthcare system, on both fi nancial and management part, lead to neglecting the health care, but also neglecting the costs of quality in healthcare institutions [27][28][29]. Vuković 2014 performed a study that showed that high level of fi nanciers and menagement's neglect of the costs of quality in healthcare system correlates with disordance in employees' behavior, low work moral, increase of irrational spending and causing the employees' to fall under suspicious encouragement by farmaceutical and other companies to use products with small or with no net benefi t at all, and increase judicial process costs started by healthcare services users or employees' of healthcare organizations [29].…”