This paper introduces the concept of user validity and provides a new perspective on the validity of interpretations from tests. Test interpretation is based on outputs such as test scores, profiles, reports, spread-sheets of multiple candidates' scores, etc. The user validity perspective focuses on the interpretations a test user makes given the purpose of the test and the information provided in the test output. This innovative perspective focuses on how user validity can be extended to content, criterion and to some extent construct-related validity. It provides a basis for researching the validity of interpretations and an improved understanding of the appropriateness of different approaches to score interpretation, as well as how to design test outputs and assessments which are pragmatic and optimal. Education, 1999;Kane, 2009;Messick, 1989). Yet to what extent are the current conceptions of validity and the practice of validation concerned with the validity of interpretation? Criterion-related validity, for example, and the practice of validating occupational assessments (including meta-analyses) is still to a large extent focused on establishing relationships between test scores and criteria.Test scores rather than actual interpretations are the focus of validation. There is a need to further develop and articulate a validity of interpretation to better address the shift in the definition of validity towards interpretation and the decisions individual test users are actually making based on test scores.The test user for the purposes of this article is the interpreter of the test output: a manager reading a psychometric multi-trait narrative report summary on a candidate prior to interview; a trained test user interpreting a personality profile to aid the test taker's development; a test taker being given direct online feedback to aid their self-selection as to whether to apply for a particular role; an I/O Psychologist deciding what rules or equations to apply in a selection system for a particular role, etc. and what latitude (if any) to give other test users in influencing selection decisions. A broader definition of a test user might include an applicant who has not received feedback, however, for the purposes of this article such an individual would be regarded as a test taker rather than a test user.Although evidence from different aspects of validity such as content and criterion-related validity provide a basis to support potential test interpretations, they generally do not focus on the validity of interpretation from the users' perspective itself. In their stead, they tend to A User Validity Perspective Beyond the Test Score 4 focus on providing general support for a particular proposed interpretation that a test user could make. This support for an interpretation may be achieved, for example, by demonstrating that there is a relationship between a test score and criterion. While establishing the relationship between a predictor test score and a criterion can be an important consideratio...