THE multiplicity of pharmacologic tests for elevations of 10 millimeters of mercury or less aheochromocytoma and the occurrence of were found in 6 of 86 patients reported by Graham, False positive and false negative results, with but maximal systolic elevations of such small degree consequent indecision as to diagnostic standards, were observed by him only once. One patient recall for a reappraisal of diagnostic requirements.ported by McCullagh and Engel 3 with paroxysms The volume of writing about this disease is mis-of symptoms had normal blood pressure during leading because it is disproportionate to the some attacks of sweating and hypertension at other number of cases seen. Viewed statistically, the times. Therefore, a specific degree of blood preslikelihood of finding a pheochromocytoma in a sure elevation cannot be used as a prerequisite for patient seen in consultation because the presence diagnosis. of this tumor is suspected is indeed small. Of 259 patients referred to Gifford, Roth and Kvale 1 for ESTS testing to rule out pheochromocytoma as the cause Te ost reliable evidence of pheochromocytoma of hypertension or other symptoms, only 7 had the demonstration of excessive amounts of pheochromocytomas, although 239 had hypertenpressr substances in the blood, particularly if sion. Graham 2 stated that only 8 patients were circulating epinephrine and nor-epinephrine can be found in 1,700 unselected patients with hyperdifferentiated (since pheochromocytomas secrete tension subjected to bilateral lumbodorsal splanchmore nor-epinephrine). Excessive amounts of unnicectomy during which the adrenals and the paradifferentiated pressor substance in the circulation vertebral areas were routinely examined. Many of are not necessarily diagnostic of pheochromocytoma the symptoms experienced by patients with pheo-ce diseases easily confused with pheochroIosince diseases easily confused with pheochromolcromocytoma are found in more commonly seen cytoma may be accompanied by increased amounts diseases-notably, essential hypertension, "neuof circulating epinephrine resulting from neural rogenic" hypertension and severe anxiety attacks, stimulation of the adrenal medulla. At any rate, and spontaneous hypoglycemia.reliable chemical tests are rarely available. Many, Important clinical signposts which may lead to indeed confusingly many, pharmacologic tests a diagnosis are manifestation of epinephrine action have been used to confirm the clinical diagnosis of -profuse and also almost continuous sweating, palpheochromocytoma. All have yielded false positive pitation and tachycardia, dilated pupils and, of and false negative results; and several of the tests course, hypertension. Not all of these manifestamentioned in the literature have become outmoded tions need be present. When hypertension is by safer and more fruitful procedures. sustained, paroxysmal symptoms are usually absent.In general these tests can be separated into two However, questioning may reveal that the patient groups-those which are designed to lower an has ...