Abstract:The so-called motivation interviewing is the systematic directing of the patient toward motivation for change. This interviewing includes advices and achieving a feedback, which is aimed at changing the gaps in the patientsIntroduction:The nurses have the unique possibility to assist the patients, to check their lifestyle, to discover potential spheres of change, and to give individual advices in order to facilitate the performance of the set personal goals. The relationships between the nurse and the patient are based on trust, respect and the holistic approach, the patients' knowledge and their network of social support. The information of the patients' past diseases, including nurses' previous experience in the health care system, as well as culturalpatients' beliefs and current knowledge of his health problems, is an integral part of the care plan performance (NIH, 2003). Aim:Clarification of the nurses' abilities to have an influence on the patient, in order to bring change on the behavior, improving the blood pressure rates and the ways of achieving this change. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis and systematization of available literature and posts, concerning the interventions, applied on hypertensive patients by the nurse, and the achieved results. Statement:The Canadian educational programme Hypertension 2010 (CHEP, 2010) presents the lifestyle's effect on blood pressure of hypertensive adults via intervention. By limiting the sodium intake to 1500mg a day, 5.8/-2.5 (systolic blood pressure (SBP)/ diastolic blood pressure (DBP) mmHg. By reducing bodyweight by 4.5kg the blood pressure would respectively change to -7.2/-5.9 mmHg. The alcohol consumption -2.7mmHg.Exercises 3 times /a week -7.4/ -5.8mmHg. The eating habits -DASH diet -11.4/-5.5 mmHg.