This paper reviews policy developments in the EU transport sector. The EU has successfully introduced the external cost concept into policy thinking. In the policy orientations, there has been too much emphasis on climate and energy objectives. Also modal share objectives are popular among policy makers but are not a good guideline for transport policies. The transition from high fuel taxes to distance charges has begun for trucks, but the charges need to be differentiated according to place and time. The same transition will also develop for cars, as soon as implementation costs have been reduced and public acceptance has improved. EU transport policy priorities can be to allow and promote the progressive substitution of high diesel and gasoline taxes by other car and truck user charges that depend on place and time, to scale back overambitious implementation of biofuel and electric car policies and reorient resources to R&D for cleaner vehicles, to efficiently regulate distance charges for trucks and to assure an unbiased assessment of infrastructure investment needs. Member country priorities can be to move away from high vehicle ownership and fuel taxes to local congestion charges; the extra burden on motorists might be offset by scaling back vehicle excise taxes and to complement the introduction of road pricing with peak-load pricing for public transport. 1 We thank Ian Parry for several rounds of detailed suggestions, and Herman Vollebergh, Kurt Van Dender and the participants of the CESIfo/EC/IMF/PBL conference on "Energy Tax and regulatory policy in Europe: reform priorities and research needs" (Munich, nov 2014) for useful comments on a first draft. We are grateful to EIBurs program for financial support and to Chau Man Fung for research assistance. transport 3. Airplanes, cars and trucks use almost exclusively oil products and are the most carbon intensive activities in the transport sector. Passengers (€ct/vkm for cars and buses and €ct/tkm or pkm for rail and air) Freight (€ct/vkm for trucks and €ct/tkm for rail) Urban (20%) Medium to long distance (80%) local Medium to long distance Cars (70%) Other (30%) Cars (80%) Rail, air (20%) Trucks (100%) Trucks (72%) Rail, ship, pipeline (28%)