The histopathological spectrum of gall bladder is extremely variable depending on sex, race, age, countriesand institutes. There is a wide spectrum of pathologies affecting the gall bladder ranging from congenitalanomalies, calculi and its complications, non inflammatory, inflammatory to the neoplasticlesions.Gallstones are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Cholelithiasis isvery common particularly in fatty, fertile and female of forty to fifty and affects male and children also . Gallstone may lead to several complications such as cholecystitis, hydrops, mucocele, internal biliary fistulaand carcinoma.Other histological alterations include acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis and its variantssuch as lymphoplasmacytic and sclerosing cholecystitis, follicular cholecystitis, eosinophilic cholecystitisand xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis.Gall bladder carcinoma ranks 6 th in the gastrointestinal malignanttumour and due to non specific clinical presentation it is rarely diagnosed at an early stage . Most of theincidentally detected carcinoma are surgically resectable, with a good survival rate. Though simplecholecystectomy is said to be sufficient in stages T is and T 1a carcinomas, radical resection is stronglyrecommended in stages beyond that. This reflects the importance of histopathological study of allcholecystectomy specimens, irrespective of clinical impression.Cholecystectomy performed with provisionaldiagnosis of benign disease based on clinical, ultrasonological and computerized tomographic scanningmisses a significant numbers of early malignant lesions of gall bladder, as histopathological detection ofcarcinoma is a gold standard and will continue to be superior to clinical and radiological examination