Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 2017;39:645-646.In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 23 studies from different countries worldwide, Tobler et al 1 reported that when choosing an Ob-Gyn physician, 8.3% of the patients investigated preferred a male physician, 50.2% reported a preference for a female physician, and 41.3% indicated no gender preference. Notably, the data from the United States sub analysis of studies showed a similar pattern (53.2% of the patients preferred a female Ob-Gyn, and 38.5% admitted no gender preference). 1 Individual studies have reported various rates for the patients' Ob-Gyn gender preferences, as well as for the factors or motives underlying the patients'responses. [2][3][4] Moreover, gender restriction also occurs regarding student participation in Gynecology consultations, as other articles have mentioned. The bias regarding the involvement of the medical students seems multifaceted and could affect the students' perceptions of the specialty. [5][6][7][8][9] Nevertheless, data from an exploratory study with Gynecology ambulatory patients conducted at a university hospital in the city of Brasília, Brazil, and approved by the Committee of Ethics of the Faculty of Medicine of that institution (under CAAE 45773315.3.0000.5558) unveiled a distinct preference profile regarding Ob-Gyn. In the personal interview with 435 patients awaiting a call for their consultation, 2.1% among them preferred a male Ob-Gyn physician, 17.0% preferred a female one, and 80.9% indicated no gender preference. A contingency analysis showed a positive weak relationship of the patients' Ob-Gyn gender preferences with the frequency in which they Among the middle generation patients (those aged between 35-54 years), 2.2% reported a preference for a male Ob-Gyn physician, 12.2% preferred a female one, and 85.6% had no gender preference. Both the younger generation (those aged between 12-34 years) and the older generation patients (those aged 55 years) displayed a higher proportion (22.2% and 22.5% respectively) of preference for a female Ob-Gyn physician and a lower percentage (76.9% and 74.2% respectively) of reports of no gender preference. The similarities found between the younger and the older generations are a matter for future discussions.Another contingency analysis revealed a congruence between the Ob-Gyn physician gender preferences and the patients' feelings about the prospect of the participation of a medical student in the Gynecology appointment: 0.2% of the patients stated they would only feel comfortable with male students, 10.6% reported that they would not feel comfortable with the participation of any student, 18.9 % said they would only feel comfortable with female students, and 70.3% stated they would feel comfortable with either a female or a male student (70.3%). A test showed a significant association between the two categories (comfort status and Ob-Gyn-gender): 63% of the patients had no gender preferences regarding the Ob-Gyn or the student, while 8.1% showed a preference for the female gende...